Rahul Saxena

Rahul Saxena

Freelance Data Scientist

My Resume

About Me

I am Rahul Saxena from Delhi,India.

Openness, curiosity to investigate and the desire to learn and contribute drives me to work on amazing plans.

Strong analytical skills to mine raw data and unearth meaningful insights. Focus on applying (predictive) analytics to data to support growth. My primary area of interest is Data Science, Machine Learning & Big Data. When I’m not programming, I try to learn about new stuff via blogs and MOOCs

Latest Projects

project name

Titianic Dataset Investigation & Visualization

Titanic Ship Dataset was analyzed to understand the relationship between passengers category and his/her survival rate. Analysis was done by using python & Dimple.js was used to draw interactive graphs

Tools & Lib : Python, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, HTML, CSS, Dimple.js, iPython notebook

Find out more [GitHub]

project name

Delhi, India - OpenStreetMap Dataset Extraction & Wrangling

Audited validity, completeness, consistency, and uniformity of dataset. Wrangled openstreet map data using python and exported it in an SQL database. Performed queries to summarize data.

Tools & Lib : Python, pandas, numpy, cElementTree, re, csv, iPython notebook, SQL

Find out more [GitHub]

project name

Identify Fraud from Enron Email - Machine Learning

Enron was one of biggest corporate scandals of the early 2000s. I built a model for the public Enron financial and email dataset to identify Enron employees who may have committed fraud. Used Machine Learning algorithms to predict Person of Interest.

Tools & Lib : Python, GaussianNB, DecisionTree, SVM, AdaBoostClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, GridSearchCV, SelectKBest

Find out more [GitHub]

project name

Analyzing A/B Test Results

A/B experiments are frequently used by technology companies to test multiple versions of apps & determine the best version to launch. In this project, I analyzed Experimental group & Control group data to recommend whether or not to launch the change

Tools & Lib : Statistics, Excel

Find out more [GitHub]

Work Experience

Independent Data Science ConsultantUdacity (Feb 2017 - Present)

  • Working as a mentor & reviewer for Udacity’s Data Science Nanodegrees like DAND, DLND
  • Worked with over 20k students by smoothing the learning curve in data science.

Co-Founder - PapaNotAngry(Startup) (April 2015 - Oct 2015)

  • Founded PNA(PapaNotAngry) to build a Product Discovery Engine to compare prices of products on ECommerce sites.
  • Headed the Tech team for Server, Tech Stack.
  • Team achieved to crawl, structure & build a search engine of 1 Million+ products.

Software Engineer - YzOak(Startup) (Nov 2014 - April 2015)

  • Responsible for managing web server & analyzing technologies used by competitors.
  • Programmed an android application for organization.
  • Co-ordinated with team for the 1st launch of YzOak-Plug's Design.